It is odd to think that this is the 12th day of my hospital stay and that we are less than 2w from 24w. That soon, the T-days will be single digits and I will be able to breathe a small sigh of relief. I know that a bigger sigh will be held at the 28w mark, but I will take the smaller sighs of 24w and 26w. But, baby steps. Small steps. Each day is a blessing.
Today has been a busy day. My mornings are pretty full. Peter is usually on the road by 7:30, so that he can get to work by 9, which depending on traffic can be hairy. Breakfast comes by 8 and then the babies get their HB monitoring around 8:45, before I get put on the TOCO (contraction monitor) around 9am. Sometime between 10am and 10:30, the nurse comes and takes it off, and I usually have an hour or so until lunch arrives at 11:30-noon. So, the morning is fairly busy. I usually email and do my blog reading in the afternoon. But today, I had 3 visitors!
Fr. B., our young priest, made a visit around noon! He is so kind; when you think of a priest, he is it. He is the epitome of the word. Truly called and wants to serve. Selfless. Thinks of others. When I was cleared to go to church weekly, he always gave me a hard time and would tell me that God didnt mind if I stayed home, that Peter could bring me Communion, things like that. So when he came today, I told him it was all his fault I was in the hospital. :) That God heard his prayers and finally said, "Fine! No more church for her!" He chuckled and we had a very nice visit for about an hour. He brought Communion and the Holy Oils for the Annointing of the Sick. Such a kind man. I'm going to write him a note tonight and put it in the mail.
Then, my MIL came just after he left for a short visit. We caught up on her trip to Albany to visit family. Then, my friend, M, came with her new baby (who was precious and sleeping) and we had a nice visit.
So, long story short, it is now 4:15 and I am just reading and commenting! Before I know it, Peter will be here! What a nice way to pass a day!
Things are good (again!). No contractions. The babies are very active and I've been having some round ligament pain as my uterus continues to grow. Tomorrow is our weekly u/s and we will see how my cervix is behaving. I am praying and hoping that it is cooperating. I am desperate to know that the babies are doing okay and so, so hopeful that I will not have to give up the daily shower and potty priviledges... Most of all, that the babies are okay. Everything else is icing on the cake. (But I'd really like the icing, too...)
Sarah came and beautified my room some more! The doctors and nurses get such a kick out of it. She hung a green ivy garland (which she tells me she's going to replace with fall leaves in 2 months) over my mirror...

And we colored stained glass...

And, since I neglected to post a shot of the mobile with the initials of the children or the ceiling art (made the same as the mobile, but my pics didnt come out well)...

We had a great time with the stained glass yesterday. I swear, soon my room will look like an ad for A.C. Moore! It's so much fun, though, and keeps the mood light. I know that Sarah is going through her own struggles right now, but she is concrete on wanting to visit several times a week and make sure that I have a smile on my face. I couldnt ask for a better sister; it's a fluke that fate didnt make us related.
Also, several folks have emailed asking if they can write me in the hospital and I said that I didnt think I could get mail. Well, I was wrong! The V family surprised me with letters, which included a drawing by D and some beautiful flowers with the kids names by L.

For those who have asked, my apologies. Normally, I wouldnt put my personal information out on the web, but since our last name is very easy to find on this blog, I dont feel that insecure about it. Michele is my middle name, so letters should be addressed with my first name (and middle if you like): Carol. (Otherwise, it takes folks a while to figure out who I am) :). The second line has the room information and unit information on it, in my case "APU Rm#511". Then the rest of it is the hospital's mailing address, which can be found here, at the bottom of the page. (I just figured this would be easier to post than to email to the folks who have asked, most of whom read this blog regularly.)
Peter hung our living room crucifix over my bed and he hung my pregnancy calendar over the artwork by D and L. It's nice to look up and watch the days ticking away. I am looking forward to flipping this page over because then we will be 24w1d.
I wrote some letters yesterday that Peter took to the mail for me, including one to Dr. Lee, updating her on how things are going. I fear she will see a card from me and automatically think the worst. I hope not.
Did I mention Sarah made me some kickass, homemade banana nut muffins? I've already eaten 2 this afternoon... They are healthy though! I swear! They have bananas and walnuts in them- what couldnt be healthy about that! :)
Okay... I'm ranting now... I think it is time to check my email and count down until Peter makes it here from work. Hopefully on an hour or so to go!
I still have the prayer card in my purse. It reminds me to pray. Well, I remember without it too. I think of you a lot.
12 days already!!! It seems like just yesterday you were being admitted. You are so close to 24 weeks already. I just know that this time you will make it even further. It must be so wonderful to have so many loving people in your life to watch out for you.
Michele, I am so happy that you are doing so well. I pray for as many weeks as you need to have healthy babies. I have been so busy, sorry I haven't sent you anything. You are such a sweet person and I wish I could come and visit you in the hospital. Take care and God Bless. I had my company and now I go on vacation.
Thanks for keeping us posted.
So glad to hear about another good day!! Everything crossed for you for your scan tomorrow. Everyone needs a little icing.
Great that the days are passing so well! Your room looks great! Your calendar should be there any day now. I hope your scan goes GREAT and you get all your privileges. :)
We had a not-great scan today so I am all the more anxious for our 24 weeks, now.
Thinking of you all the time!
Glad you are having such a good day - may the rest of your stay be just as good. Thinking of you and your family often.
I am so happy to hear things are going well and the day went by nicely. I hope it keeps going that way. You are in my thoughts and prayers always!
I'm so glad things are going well. Keep up the great work, Robert and Maya!
I was thinking about you guys last night - I'm so happy everything is going so well and I can't wait to hear how great Robert and Maya look at your ultrasound today.
Glad to hear things are going well - I'll keep praying for you!
It's wonderful to hear that things are going so well for you and the babies! I pray that it continues, and that all goes/went well for the ultrasound today.
God bless and peace be with you and peter! :)
Michele, I am so glad to hear things continue to go well. Do you mind if I ask a nosy question? I noticed before that all your kiddos go by their middle names. And now I see that you do as well! I am so curious if it is a family tradition or a religious custom. Does Peter also go by his middle name? Sorry to be nosy, I meant to ask about the babies' names before and forgot. If you want to email me my address is ralibby at gmail dot com. No worries if it's a private reason and you don't feel like having everyone know your business! :)
Lots of thoughts and prayers coming your way. I spent most of my later pregnancy in the hospital so I remember how nice it was to get those visits. Our hospital priest was great!,,20062960,00.html
21 wker survives and thrives. I remember reading the Mom lied about her gestational age to get them to treat Amilia. I know you will be fine, I just wanted you to see this if you haven't already.
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