Friday, March 6, 2009

I'm so confused...

A question for the IF ladies...

Last night, Dr. Lee called. She said that my bloodwork showed my LH was 42 and to increase my Gonal-F dose for last night and tomorrow night.

What does this mean? I assume it means I'm not surging since she is still planning on seeing me on Monday, but I'm trying to get an idea of whether 42 is low, high, what? Any thoughts?


Reba said... doctors never told me actual numbers, so everything I learned, I got from my trusty friend the Internet. My LH knowledge comes from and I thought surging was 20-40? So 42 does sound high to me. But if your follies were that small (6, 7, 10), there's no way you're surging now. Those are my thoughts, even if they don't make a lot of sense...

A n T said...

Wish I could help....but not sure.