Since I missed 4 week and 5 week pictures, here's me playing catch up.
4 weeks old |
1 calendar month old |
5 weeks old
Michael is doing really well. At his 1 month well baby visit (a day before 5w old), he weighed in at 8lb 2oz (he "needed" to be 7lb 15oz to demonstrate good growth with being a breastfed baby). He is still so laid back. Even right now, with the sniffles. I was awake last night because I'm a wacko who cant sleep when the kids don't feel good, but he was fine (once Peter wet a cloth with witch hazel and placed it on my chest, then let Michael lay down on top of that). He's his normal self, normal temp, eating like a champ- just with the sniffles and the occasional cough or sneeze. Cold? Leftover "C-Section sludge" that didn't get passed out because his lungs weren't compressed during a vaginal labor? At this point, as long a fever doesn't develop and his breathing doesn't become impacted (it's fine), I'm not worried (Okay, I'm not too worried).
In other news, the twins are enjoying summer. We went to the local pool and they had a blast.
Bobby loved walking to the edge where I was and splashing me- probably because he knew I wasn't in a swim suit! |
Maya is like a little fish. This girl LOVES the pool. I see some lifeguarding in her future! |
It's hard to believe that, in less than 4 weeks, they will be in school again for a new school year. I read an article that links a positive educational experience to a good relationship with their first teacher. They loved Miss M, and if summer camp is any indication, then the article is fact. They are loving camp. I was concerned, especially with their being thrown into it on Michael's birth day and it being a completely different environment, with kids and teachers they didn't know, etc. But they've both been rock stars. Maya has a boyfriend (of course) and Bobby is getting the hang of it, even running into circle time without prompting and saying "good-bye" at the end of the day. No tears from our little guy! (although Maya has had a few waterworks, when she didn't want to be without Michael or when her "boyfriend" wasn't there). But they've made friends and Bobby has even joined in with activities or stayed at an activity (a big deal). It's been a good choice, and I foresee "summer camp" in our future.
The twins aren't usually right together, but today Bobby's PCA snapped this shot of our dynamic duo! |
The kids are getting started with doing chores and getting "points" for what they do. When they accrue a certain number of points, they get something. To start with, they needed 10. When Bobby hit the mark, he got a train he wanted; Maya went to Starbucks and for ice cream. Now, they need 15 points; next round will be 25, and I think we'll keep it solid at 25 for a while. At some point, I'm sure they will want an allowance, but for now, this reward system gives us one on one time with them. Not sure what Bobby wants yet, but Maya has already asked to go to the pub- WITH ME!!!- for dinner. :) My bet is that Bobby will want golf and ice cream, or maybe a trip to the local farm for ice cream. We shall see!
Peter's doing well; he enjoys his 4 day work weeks (he's taking Mondays off throughout the summer). Yesterday, he popped home for lunch. I'm so glad his workplace is fairly close now and that moments like that are possible. We (no kidding) ate our lunch while watching part of a Bruce Lee flick. Michael had gone down for his nap and this was how we opted to spend the half hour. Fun times. :)
I'm good. Still breastfeeding, still running, still (for the most part) getting in the groove of three kids 3 and under. It's not as hard as I thought it might be, probably because Bobby and Maya were prepped for the entire pregnancy and because Michael is, knock on wood, a pretty cool little guy who doesn't rile up easy (unless he's hungry... then all bets are off). I look at my life and it looks pretty good. Writing has gotten picked up, one piece was published middle of July with another set for the Winter and another about ready to go (assuming I ever get the final edits done to submit it to the editor). My mom and some family are planning to come for the Christening, which I am SUPER excited about. (I'm excited about the Christening in general, too... I mean, little Michael getting baptized on Saint Michael's day! Woo Hoo!) Bobby and Maya have their 4th birthday party at the end of this month, and then we will take them out for their actual birthday on 9/10 and spend some special time with them. My running with the stroller has me between a 4.5mph and 5.2mph pace for the most part; without the stroller, I've gotten up to 5.7mph. For the most part, I'm doing 2.5-3.5 miles at a time, but I've done a 4 mile as my "long" run and all is well. I have a race set for each month from September through the end of the year (5Ks); pretty excited to get back into it.
So, all in all, it's good. I have some posts I'm working on (like a review of
Rebecca Frech's homeschooling book- look for it! You could win a copy!) and some interesting stories to tell, but for now, I'd best get back to the majority of my day: moo-cowing it for Mr. Michael. :)