Thursday, August 20, 2015

Platelets Are Good!

Dr. B. just called me to check in on the rash and to give me the news that my platelets are stable!  They went from 122K to 123K.  Not great in the "they should be above 150K to be normal" world, but awesome in mine!  We had discussed that, since my last blood draw was a month before, it was possible we would be in the teens if the supplementation with papaya leaf was working (and, if it wasn't, then we would see the teens and know that, most likely, I'd need a pharmaceutical option or the IVIG infusion later on).  So this is great news!  Not only "stable" but an extra thousand!  I might not hit 150K, but if I stay around this level, then there's no worry for the spinal/epidural and delivery.  Woo Hoo!!


Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's good news :)

Anonymous said...

I thought pregnant women were to stay away from papaya stuff for fear of miscarriages? or is that only in early stages of pregrnacy?

Michele said...

This was recommended by my obstetrician as a way to increase platelets later in pregnancy. Many things contraindicated in the first trimester used in the third trimester. While I'm not a fan of papaya and never thought to eat or avoid, my thought would be that it could be similar.

Michele said...

This was recommended by my obstetrician as a way to increase platelets later in pregnancy. Many things contraindicated in the first trimester used in the third trimester. While I'm not a fan of papaya and never thought to eat or avoid, my thought would be that it could be similar.

Michele said...

This was recommended by my obstetrician as a way to increase platelets later in pregnancy. Many things contraindicated in the first trimester used in the third trimester. While I'm not a fan of papaya and never thought to eat or avoid, my thought would be that it could be similar.