When it rains, it pours! Oh my goodness, I am soooooo itchy.
The rash from a week ago is, thankfully, getting better. The steroid ointment has really helped the rash to go from being really awful to now being a reddish-brown discoloration that is getting lighter each day. I was prescribed Clobetasol, first as an ointment (which only lasted 2 days for 50 grams.... not good) and then the ointment (I'm mostly through the 50 gram tube, and we are on day 7 of treatment). Reading the insert, which says that pregnant women shouldn't use it, doesn't give an expectant mother warm fuzzies. It is a Class C drug which shows birth defects in animal tests.
Thankfully, there is recent research that lends to the belief that corticosteroids (even potent ones like this one) are not as dangerous as previously suspected, which used in smaller amounts.
But I'm still itching! The cream is helping with the big issue, but now I'm itching all over! Peter's thought is that it might be my body addressing the weaning down of the drug, since I'm now doing it once a day. I hope it is that and not something worse, like a liver issue indicative of Cholestasis. I see Dr. B. tomorrow, but I am itchy all over, with red bumps and welts everywhere (even places where there was no inkling of a rash before.) I'm using OTC oatmeal lotions that are suggested for excema and they seem to be helping, as is alternating with Sarna lotion (again, though, with 1% of a class C in it). But I don't want to scratch and make it worse :(.
Hopefully, this will fade soon!!
Just an anecdote, but I was prescribed and used clobetasol during my 1st pg--kinda near the end---and no problems. I don't recall it being an issue--maybe it's only recently been added to list C? I used it 5 years ago.
Thank you for sharing your experience! From the research I've read, it seems like it has always been a C but that the birth defects are far more likely of used very early in pregnancy. I'm 32w tomorrow so I'm thankfully outside the window for the defects that were cited.
Thank you for sharing your experience! From the research I've read, it seems like it has always been a C but that the birth defects are far more likely of used very early in pregnancy. I'm 32w tomorrow so I'm thankfully outside the window for the defects that were cited.
Thank you for sharing your experience! From the research I've read, it seems like it has always been a C but that the birth defects are far more likely of used very early in pregnancy. I'm 32w tomorrow so I'm thankfully outside the window for the defects that were cited.
I was right around 32 weeks also.
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