Monday, September 14, 2009

NICU Day 3

This will be a quick post because there are just so many things to do today (day 4). I will post a better day 4 post this evening, but I wanted to give the highlights from yesterday.

I'm not going to post all their pictures on this blog. I will include a link to the photo blog so that anyone who is interested can pop over and see them when they are updated. I will only put select ones that deal with the post at hand on this blog. I just dont want folks to get bogged down with pics and, ultimately, this is a blog about living after losing children; not a photo album (hence the other blog), but thank you for bearing with me as I work with this blog primarily and havent had a chance to devote a lot of time to the other blog yet.

Yesterday was a great pumping day! I actually got up to 15ml (cc). This is great for day 3 of pumping. I was disappointed on day 2 because production was low, but Dr M, my mom, and Peter's mom all assured me that it took them between 4-7 days to get anything in and they had full term babies. So not to worry. And, sure enough, come day 3, boom! This morning's 7am pumping garnished 17ml! I am in the biggest syringes at this point and they gave me the preemie bottles to start using once I am over 20ml at a pumping.

The babies were doing so well. Bobby is still kicking out of his little restrainer (which, I have to admit, although it drives the nurses nuts, we think is so cute). His heartbeat still is dipping at times, but it is kind of funny. One of the nurses said that it always happens when she is doing something and by the time she gets her gloves on and comes to him (in moments, we've seen them), he is fine. Is our little boy still playing attention getter? They are planning to do another echo on Bobby. They did an x-ray to make sure his lines werent bothering his heart and that seemed normal. So, we shall see. Maya inherited my veins it seems, much to our dismay. They tried again, unsuccessfully, to get a PICC in. They had to do something since she is, in the words of her nurse, "blowing her IVs daily". So they put in a venus catheter. (An IV is a needle that is harder so it can only go as far as the needle is long and the arm (or whatever) must be kept straight. A catheter is a flexible tube that is fed through the vein (in this case) and allows for movement. A PICC would be a cetheter that makes it to the heart and is a long term solution. Maya's catheter starts in her hand and goes past her elbow, but they couldnt get it any farther.) But afterwards, she was utterly exhausted. She just fell asleep and slept for hours. My poor baby girl. Broke my heart.

But the best news... Can you guess? What is the next best thing to bringing the babies home? Guess... Do you know???

Mommy and Daddy holding Bobby for the first time

Mommy and Daddy holding Maya for the first time

We got to hold our babies!!! The nurse told Peter at a visit when I wasnt there (due to the pain meds) and so he made sure that I was all pumped in advance and not taking anything prior to the time we went up. Maya was still passed out from her experience and the nurse apologized to Peter but said that Bobby was up for it. I had no idea what they were talking about and then Peter gave me an open front robe. And it hit me. I looked at the nurse and she confirmed that I was going to hold our son for the first time. I burst into tears right there. Because of the jaundice issues, we were limited to half an hour, but it was so wonderful. We just held him, sang to him, cried... There arent words... Peter fed them my breast milk (via a syringe that is connected to the feeding tube) and they held his finger. Both of them fell asleep. Bobby was so comfortable that, when the nurse put him back in his isolette, he didnt fight or kick, he just laid steady and went back to sleep. Maya was so relaxed and when they turned the CPAP off to put her back in her isolette, she desat-ed and had a bradycardia episode. They put her back on and she was fine and when they disconnected her again, she did much better. She was just shocked the first time. She needs the pressure from the CPAP more than Bobby (he can tolerate no pressure with no issues for about 20 minutes; she can only for about 5 minutes). They are planning on lowering her pressure from 6 to 5 today or tomorrow. So she is improving, but still working.

Well, I will post more in the day 4 post (which I promise to do!). But this sums up our yesterday, which was such a good day. There are also some other emotions I want to talk about, but I will save those for my day 4 post.

Thank you for the continued thoughts and prayers!


Donna said...

Yeah!!! (and more tears) How wonderful that you got hold hold them already! They must feel safe and sound when they are in your arms. What beautiful pictures of your family! I tell you enough how happy I am for you.

bankshot said...

YAY!! that is so awesome...what a feeling and surprise to get to hold them... and that they are doing so well.... I am so happy for you guys! You are doing great! Congrats and keep up the good work! and Just enjoy dem babies! what a blessing! ~Michelle

Sprogblogger said...

FANTASTIC! I am so happy that they're doing so well. Thank you for continuing to post. I've been riveted by your story since I first followed a link to your blog. You and your family will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Boy have I been waiting to hear from you. I can't even imagine what it was like to hold them for the first time. That was such a blessing. They are so perfect. I spent allot of time yesterday looking at their pictures. I do know how busy you are and exhausted you must be. You must be sleeping in short sessions. Hope your feeling better. I've had two c-sections and bounced back quickly but your body has been through so much over the last few months. They are both doing well, right? Can you see them more often yet? When do you get released and how will you handle that? I look so forward to your posts. Praying for all of you.
Can't wait for the day you can bring them home. God Bless.

cheryllookingforward said...

Amazing! I've got goose bumps for you. Congratulations again and again!!!

Justina said...

I'd not read your blog for a few days Michele so I was surprised to see that the babies had been born. Here I am at work this morning, struggling not to cry as I read your beautiful posts. I'm so happy that the babies are healthy and that everything turned out well. Hugs to you and your hubby and your beautiful little ones!!

djordan said...

Ahh! I had no internet over the weekend and was therefore shocked to see that they had been born. SO excited that they are doing well and will be praying for all 4 of you!

quadmom said...

I can't imagine your joy at holding your babies for the first time. How wonderful! I am so happy for you both!! I will keep praying that both babies get stronger everyday and that their stay in the NICU is as short as possible.

MFA Mama said...

How WONDERFUL! I'm so glad you got to hold your babies--I've wanted for ages to see a picture of that :) Bobby and Maya continue to be gorgeous preemie rockstars, and good job on the pumping--it truly does take time, especially after a premature c-section. Oats are great for production, so eat oatmeal whenever you can! A dark beer (or any beer) is also excellent, but I don't know if you could stomach that and would ask your doctors about it first since alcohol messes with blood sugar BIG-time. Non-alcoholic beer would probably work just as well though (personally I hate beer but I would've drunk just about anything to get my production up). Reglan helps, but can make you pretty depressed, so if someone offers to prescribe it to you talk it through with them and with Peter and make an informed decision. I'm so, so happy for you!

Jen said...

I am just so thrilled for your family. I look over your blog and am just amazed by your strength. I know those babies are just blessed with the best mommy and daddy.

Congrats again and although I don't know you, I have goosebumps at how happy the two of you look as you hold your babies...

Carrie said...

I am overjoyed that you were able to hold your beautiful children! Thinking of you all constantly and cheering you and the babies on!

AWESOME work pumping- that is SUCH a gift for the twins.

Much love!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that they (and you and Peter) are doing so well!
We will continue to pray for you :)

Anonymous said...

Michele, that is absolutely amazing that you got to hold your babies. I am glad to hear all is well. I am completely ecstatic for you guys after what you have been through.

Leah said...

YAY Michele! It melted my heart to see you holding your babies. Hoping and praying that each new day brings a lot of growing and healing to your babies. :-D

Orodemniades said...

OMG congratulations!!! They're beautiful...

Kate said...

YAY! Wonderful photos! OH I am so happy for you-- I cannot imagine how wonderful that must be for ALL of you-- to hold them, oh and to be held.

Seriously teary here in all good ways.
SO so so so happy for you.
Fingers still crossed, arms still raised to the sky,
and sending love,

Michelle said...

That is wonderful that you got to hold Bobby. I am glad they are continuing to do well.

Many hugs and prayers!

Shannon said...

Thinking about you and your family. Hope the babies continue to do well, and can not wait for you to bring them home! You deserve happiness.

Barbara said...

Here's to many many many more good days!


Kristie said...

So awesome! Congrats on the happy moment. C was 8 days old before we were able to hold her, and the wait was torture!!

Kandi Ann said...

To others I read, I mean this in the nicest kindest way possible. To Michele and Peter, I read a lot on line. I have followed you guys for the short/long haul and I was surprised when I burst into tears when you realized you got to hold your baby. I am so happy for you and Prayers are still coming for you. xoxo, Kandi

(I may lose internet today due to finances. Please Pray if you have a moment. )

Tash said...

Michele, I seem to have missed this whole gravy train! What a wonderful thing, to hold your sweet babies. Am looking forward to pictures and news. Best to all of you from just down the road!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful!! I just love hearing all this and how healthy the twins are. I read so many sad things and this makes me so happy to hear.


Busted Tube said...

Oh, that's so wonderful that you were able to hold them! I'm glad to hear that they're doing well and making progress. Poor little Maya with her iv/piccline/venuscatheter etc... saga, that must just break your heart! I think of you and your beautiful babies often and wish you lots of strength and good healing.

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

What a fabulous day! Hooray!

Catherine W said...

Wow Michele. You are the pumping queen! That is way more than I was getting for absolute ages.

Poor little Maya, those evil catheter things are no fun if necessary.

And you got to hold them! That is the best, best news. You all look vastly content in those photographs, mommy, daddy and babies. All four. It sounds like they both really enjoyed their first cuddles.

My own first hold of Jessica was also plotted between my husband and the nurses. I had no idea! xo

Reba said...

how wonderful that you got to hold them!!! yay good babies! keep growing bigger & stronger.

Mother Knows Best Reviews said...

I just started crying - that is one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard. Congratulations.

Unknown said...

Just wanted to let you know that I am praying for your family. (I am from the Dec BC chat.) You and your husband look so happy holding your little ones. God Bless! Mindy

Barefoot said...

Hooray for getting to hold your beautiful children for the first time -- what an amazing moment.

djsmom2007 said...

This is praise worthy news! I can't wait to read each post!

Queenie. . . said...

Oh, that's so wonderful! I thought it might be a while before you got to hold them. That is just excellent news.

Take good care of yourself, and make sure you give yourself plenty of time to heal. Pushing yourself will only slow down the healing and make it take longer! I am sure you want to be with the babies as much as possible, but do give yourself a little time, too. It's the best thing you can do for them (other than hold their hands and sing to them, of course!)

Michelle said...

You got to hold them so early!! (relatively speaking...) what a milestone! I am so so ecstatic for you. It won't be too long before they can feed straight off you I think! Thank you so much for the photos, what a happy little family you've got there. Sending lots of hugs and kisses your way. Keep it up!

Marie W said...

Congrats! I am so late. Glad they are doing well and praying that they continue to do so.
Hugs to you and hubby and know you are not in this journey alone.

Katie said...

Praying hard for your family. Congrats on Bobby and Maya and best wishes for them to keep doing so well!

Simbelmyne said...

Oh, that's so wonderful!

Sophie said...

Bradies and desats are NOT FUN! Jordan and many of the other babies in Nicu did that when we were there. Holding your babies for the first time, now thats AMAZING!!!


Tina said...

I am so happy for you! You both look so incredibly happy holding your sweet babes. xx

Brooke said...

I am soooooo happy for you and your beautiful family! I am praying daily for you all.

Annalien said...

I am so very happy for you that you got to hold your babby! They sound like they are doing excellently. I still pray for you all every day.