Our Maya, as lovely as ever... up to approx 2lb 8oz. Hopefully, she will gain a tad more and be in clothes by the weekend! Which means...

She'll be like her brother and able to be dressed, swaddled, and HELD TWICE A DAY! In addition to our nightly kangarooing, Bobby now gets to be held in the morning when I visit! It was so hard to only be able to hold him and not her this morning, but we know that she will gain the extra weight to hit 1200 grams so that she can be swaddled, dressed, and held, too.
Bobby was wide awake this morning when I held him. He looked at me and was captivated by the world around him (a world he doesnt usually see in daylight). After about 20 minutes, his eyes started to get heavy and you could tell he was ready for "night nights" but it was wonderful to be able to hold him. It will be just wonderful to have them both back to back.
I've dropped 20 pounds with the birth of the twins. I have two bellies: above my belly button and below it. There is a significant ravine. Not to mention the scar from the section. Please let this motivate me to work out better at the gym (no worries, folks, not until Dr Bailey clears me; at this point it is just light housework and, if I can manage, a walk around the neighborhood).
We just came home from our nightly hospital visit. Both babies were bathed (this nurse bathed them in a blanket) and then held. Maya has some reflux when she eats, so about half an hour into her eating/holding, she starts to desat. For some nurses, this isnt that big a deal, since it is the reflux that leads to it; other nurses like to put her back in her isolette and adjust the incline. She was held for about 40 minutes before going back to her bed. Bobby was held for almost a full hour and was so sound asleep that he didnt even stir as the nurse got him dressed and swaddled.
I sympathize with the babies right now. I have hiccups and they suck. :( These poor kids get them at least once a day. Poor little guys!
Missed the babies a lot today. Had a good cry as we left the NICU. I wish we had all of them here... I'd do this running back and forth to the hospital every day for the rest of my life if that is the only way that I could have them all here.
Wow Michele you look amazing! You glow this happy glow in that photo. Bobby is so cute! I can't wait to see princess Maya in baby clothes too.
Bobby and Maya are so cute! I love the photos. I'm sorry you don't have all your babies there with you.
Beautiful pictures and you look great! Its amazing the sacrifices we would make just to have our babies with us again. *hugs*
Oh Michele!! Look at those babies!! I just can't get over them, they're so beautiful! I love Bobby's big, alert eyes and Maya's blonde hair. You look fantastic, too. I am truly so happy for you.
God, they're beautiful - and you look fantastic! I can't wait until you have them home with you, but it sure seems like they're doing wonderfully where they are!
Grow, Maya, grow! And oh my goodness, Bobby is SO CUTE looking around with those big eyes! And the clothes! SO cute! You positively glow in the pictures where you are holding one of your babies--can't wait for you to have them both home with you. It'll be tiring but you'll love it :)
They are just so precious - and you look so happy.
They are precious! I just love little Maya all stretched out on her belly =)
Oh honey. I so love seeing you and your babies. they are getting big and strong. I still can't get over that head full of blonde hair. lol. I pray for you nightly.
You are looking great-give yourself time! Bobby is so cute all dressed, Maya will get there too! Hopefully very soon! So glad that they are doing well! Praying for them to come home soon- have they talked about it yet?
Look how big they're getting :) Isn't is silly to think of 2 lbs as big?! But it is, and they - you all - have come so far. Can't wait till you're all home together, safe and sound.
20 pounds, great job. Bobby looks so cute being dressed. They are doing so well. I am so happy for you and Peter. I also know that they have great support from Heaven.
Oh Michele, I wish you had all of them there too.
Your babies are beautiful!
You look wonderful Michele, and the babies are so beautiful! I'm so happy that the babies are doing so well.
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