Saturday, September 5, 2009

27w (Day 45: T-7)

Another week over, a new one just begun... (Okay, so those arent the real words to John Lennon's song, but they are close!)

This morning, Bobby decided to have some hardcore arrythymia, but thank goodness we had one of our regular nurses who wasnt freaked out and just accepted that our baby boy is going through a rough spell. He still had some moments of normalacy, which was nice. Maya was thumping away with her normal little heartbeat and, when her brother kicked her, gave such a kick I thought my uterus was going to come out of my belly. These kids... They are quite the athletes. I cherish each second.

I had a little cry in the shower. Each week that passes isn't just a step closer to a happy outcome (9w to go!!!) but it is also a reminder of how much farther this pregnancy has gone gestationally (11w, 10w, 9w...) And that is a hard thing to face. It is hard to feel so happy and yet so broken at the same time.

I think I may have mentioned that I was never a big online shopper. Yes, I used Amazon for the ocassional thing (but I prefer going to my local bookstore over online book shopping). Bedrest introduced me to the joys of internet shopping. This morning, I ordered something off a cousin's baby registry, then spent a good hour and a half at Hallmark ordering cards for September's birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays. I'm $100 poorer all together but it was great... Gotta love the internet... And I have to pop over to Amazon later, since I am out of new books to read! Poor Peter. Instead of "house poor" we are going to be "hospital poor"!

All in all, this weekend will probably be pretty lazy and we will be on our way towards 28w before I know it. Peter is off on Monday, so we will just hang around and chat and catch up. Monday is also an u/s day with perinatal testing, so he will get to be a part of that. I had thought of making the big goal of 28 days (and maybe I still will) once we get there, but now I'm wondering if I should count down to the shower at 30w. We've already gotten some RSVPs (my MIL is keeping me updated) and I am looking forward to the few hours out of the hospital. The CRNP dropped by yesterday just to chat (said that, since she hadnt seen me the whole day she needed her "Carol fix", LOL) and said that, perhaps in the 30s, she can convince Dr B to let me have a daily wheelchair ride to the outside! Woo Hoo! We shall see!

Speaking of Dr B, a funny thing happened on Thursday. He came in for rounds while I was working on the favors and thought they were cute. I told him to take one for he and his nurses, so he took 3 and told me he'd pass the 2 along to the 2 nurses that are his in the office. He was so cute about it. :)

I've never been one for diet drinks but I have a confession to make. The water was getting hard to handle, so Peter bought me some Crystal Light. I hate artificial stuff, but man is it good when you just need a break. Especially the fruit punch... Just a note for those other GD's who are struggling with slurping down so much water. The Crystal Light almost makes the water like koolaid for grownups. Now, I dont drink it exclusively but it helps clear a pitcher or two a day (and when you are working on 5+, that is a huge help...)

So... Here we are... 27w... 1 week away from our next goal and 3 weeks away from my baby shower. Here's to hoping that this is a good weekend (and that our bouncing boy who is currently kicking his sister decides that he's had enough of an irregular heartbeat and grows back into a regular one!!!).


Anonymous said...

So nice that you have a largely uneventful update, eh?

My friend who was hospitalized for 3 weeks with Pre E and twins said the same thing about chrystal light, a total lifesaver.

Busted Tube said...

I'm sorry to hear that Bobby continues to give the heart monitor such a hard time. I hope that he outgrows the arrythymia as soon as possible. I'll keep you all in my thoughts. Hey, anything to help the day stay interesting when you're in the hospital for months at a time- I think a little online shopping is a great activity for you, especially because it helps keep life a little more normal.

Anne said...

Wonderful! You are getting there. The babies have a good chance if they are born now.


Carrie said...

HOLY 27 weeks!!!! You are so very close to your goal now, my dear. Think of how far away it seemed...

I am sorry Bobby's heart is still a bit off, but I am so confident he will outgrow it very soon. I am crossing my fingers for wheel chair rides- what a difference it would make!

Big 27 week hug to you and the babes!

momto558 said...

Happy 27 weeks Michele:)Hugs!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay to 27 weeks!

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

Happy 27!

In the hospital I have been yearning for all sorts of beverages I wouldn't normally drink. I blame the meds.

Have a great weekend!

Kim said...

glad things are going well...added the pic you were talking about "ill love you forever" had to see it lol

nikki wood said...

I'm diabetic and know about the drinks! I love soda, but hate diet soda. So I've learned to love Minute Maid or Tropicana Orangeade Light (no sugar!) or the actual sugar free Kool Aid, I love the Tropical Punch one!

sarah said...

congrats on 27 weeks!! all my thoughts and prayers for bobby's arymethia to go away, as for kicking his sister, that will never go away, sisters just ask to be kicked, that is till they do it back harder! lol!
have a wonderful blessed weekend. i pray for you every night,
love sarah

Anonymous said...

hope all continues to go well! just remember they will still kick each other after they are born, just teach your daughter to kick back! oh she probably already knows that!

Anonymous said...

Your babies are getting stronger and stronger every day. Great to hear today is a good day. I'll throw in an extra prayer for Bobbey. :)