Lots of 3s in that title! Here we are... 43 days til delivery! Time is flying by.
Friday was my birthday. It rained, which ruined our plans to take the kids to the zoo and then out to my favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner. In addition, it was just a rough day... couldn't end soon enough. Not exactly how I wanted to spend "my" day, but hey... you can't win them all.
Saturday, Sarah and my girlfriend, Ann, and I went to my favorite coffee shop to pregame... which means, at this stage in my life, coffee before the luncheon. :) It was nice to just hang out with "the girls" and then we headed over to the pub for the unshower luncheon! What a fun time! My dad helped out on Friday with the cake,
buttercream frosting, blue tinted vanilla cake on the inside |
and we kept it very simple at the luncheon. In lieu of gifts (although try telling women to not buy a baby a gift and see what it gets you... several trips to the car with gift bags!), we asked people to bring in donations of baby related items for our local food bank. We had an overflowing box plus! How awesome! I can't wait to drop them off. :)
We reserved the top floor of our local Irish pub, and had a great time. And, yes, courtesy of my big sister, Ann, I sure did have that Guinness Dr. B. approved!!
Don't worry... It was the slowest drink I've ever had... took the whole 3 hours to finish! :) |
The food was good but the company was great. (All of the photographs can be seen via the
Facebook album) Everyone got along, and we just had a nice time hanging out, celebrating, and enjoying the day (which, thankfully, was decent!). My good friend, Erica, who did the maternity photographs (more on that to come) also brought in some of her favorite shots and set them out on the table so that folks could see them. That was quite a nice surprise, since I hadn't seen some of the ones she'd finished!
Onto maternity photos, the gallery is done! And, if you are local and don't contact Erica to do photos, you are missing out! I can't get over how awesome her work is. She posted a
beautiful commentary of our photo shoot and our relationship on her website with some of her favorite pictures, and then she posted the
completed gallery as well. (For the completed gallery, you'll need to click on "Michele Maternity" and then type on the password "michele")
I wont leave you hanging though... Here are some of my favorite pictures from the maternity shoot...
Looks like you guys had a great time!
Remember you had to "pregame" before Broad St. w/ you giant cup of coffee? ; )
mmmm.... coffee..... We'll have to relive that time soon! :)
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