St. Alexander was a philosopher and librarian (score!), as well as doctor of the Church. He was the first Bishop of Cappadocia and was imprisioned for his beliefs. After surviving several rounds of torture, he eventually died in prision. Known for his words and his holiness, he is considered a model for all, especially philosophers, priests, and (yep!) librarians. In all tactlessness, he was a big mouthed guy who now watches over other big mouthed folks. :) Seems fitting that I like him :)
Thinking of how St. Alexander went through several tortures but still came out on top makes me think of our little saint. He struggled first through his amniotic sac and feet moving through my cervix... then, his water breaking (which, got him above the cervix)... then placental abruption... and yet, he stayed. He kept on fighting until his birthday, when he came out kicking! Tough little guy. Just like his tough patron, I suppose.
Happy feast day, Alexander. You are always with us. Always.
St. Alexander of Jerusalum and my own St. Alexander, pray for us.
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