Saturday, April 9, 2011

Daddy's Day Away

Peter is attending a men's retreat today, sponsored by the Archdiocese.  He initially heard about it through a Men's Group that he's a part of at a local parish, and then it was printed in our bulletin.  He mentioned being interested in it, so I registered him and he's been looking forward to go.  It starts at 8am (in Philly) and ends after the Vigil Mass (which I think, starts at 5:15).  So, it's a full day event.

Maya's godmother is visiting with her little girl, so we're going to have a busy day running after 3 toddlers (L is 11w older than the twins)!  I'm looking forward to it, and I'm really happy that Peter is having a day focused on the challenges of being a husband and father, a man, and his spirituality.

But I'm going to miss him, too...


St Elsewhere said...

Well, I hope Peter loves it.

And you guys have a fun time...

Hillary said...

How wonderful that Peter gets such a great day!
You'll have to tell us how it went!

Hope you are having a great weekend!