Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy 7 month birthday, Alexander

Oh my sweet Cuddlebug! It's been 7 months since you were born. Since you laid on my chest and I held you tight. Since your daddy caught that first gorgeous foot of yours as you emerged breech from me and then helped ease the second leg out before one-two- and you were here! You were born kicking and your arms reached out for your daddy, who held you in his hands. Over my belly and knees, I could see your little shoulders moving back and forth. Your daddy tells me that you moved your little head back and forth as though you were looking around. Through your closed eyes, you could see the lights... I bet they were bright... We kept them low, but I'm sure that they seemed so bright to you without the protection of your home. Your tiny fingers opened and closed, touching the skin of your daddy's finger, which was too big to wrap around, although you didnt give up! He kept you warm as the nurses and doctor came in to try and clamp your cord and make sure I was okay. You fell asleep in those warm arms. Those safe, loving arms.

Today is not only your 7 month birthday; it is also the gestational day in this pregnancy with your little brother and little sister that I was with you when I went into labor. I had just come home from a prenatal yoga class and saw spotting. We hurried to the hospital and I was dilated to 2cm with your water bag pressing on my opening cervix. But you were my strong little boy and you held on for more than 3 days until you peacefully came into our world and made it brighter.

I love you, my sweet cuddlebug, my Alexander. I love you so much. Thank you for making me your mommy.


Inanna said...

Happy birthday, little man. Much love to your mama and daddy.

Catherine W said...

Happy birthday Alexander. You truly did make the world brighter. xx

Mommy (You can call me OM) said...

Michele, I'm so grateful you shared Alexander's life with us. To hold his little life before he died I know is something you cherish, as would I.

Peace, my friend.

Reba said...

What an absolutely lovely post, Michele! It brought tears to my eyes.