My sweet little babies are 4 months old. They are a third of the way through their first year.
Time is flying by. Flying by...
Just Breathe was sweet and selected me as one of the seven beautiful blogs she likes to read. I'm lazy and dont often do blog quiz type things, but thought, in honor of their 4 month birthday, I'd play along and list 7 things about me.
-I love looking at the stretch marks on my (still stretched out) belly. I can point to ones from each baby and I really love that.
-I pray. A lot really. More than that, I talk. Maybe they arent really "prayers". Fine. I talk to the Divine every day. And I enjoy that.
-I'm not as conservative as some people think I am. I'm not as liberal as other people think I am. I'm just me.
-I still look at Peter and see the boy I met almost 12 years ago. I still see that kid in his eyes and his smile. I still love him just as much and more.
-I am my mother's daughter. And, sure enough, the things she did that irritated me growing up, I now do. And I completely understand now.
-Sometimes I stand in the nursery and just watch Bobby and Maya when they are quiet. When they are really quiet, I put my hand by their noses to make sure I can feel the warm air or I rub their backs to make them squirm a bit. Just to make sure... And sometimes, when looking at them, I still cant believe they are mine. And here. And doing well.
-I physically hold all of my children when no one is around. I'll pick up Bobby and Maya and then hold onto the box of Nicholas, Sophia, and Alexander. I'll rock in the rocking chair and just look out the window, content with holding all of them...
As to seven blogs... Well, I can't pick just seven and you can see why... Hours of my days are spent hanging out with you and reading about your lives and loves and losses. I wouldnt spend those precious waking moments with you if I didnt truly care. So consider yourself beautiful and chosen and wonderful. And, if you want to share seven things about you in your comments, I'd be delighted to hear. And hey, if enough of you are interested, I can funnel them into a post so that others can be introduced to your beauty.
Time to get a shower and get breakfast. Peter is sleeping still, as are the kids, but the hotel puts out breakfast in 5 minutes. And I'm hungry... (Dont worry: I'll bring it back to the room and even bring some in for the mister...)
Congrats on your award! Well deserved. : )
What a lovely milestone - happy 4 months, Bobby and Maya! Your love and concern, as always, just radiates.
I can't believe it's been 4 months already!!! Maya and Bobby are just so amazing! I love reading about them and your whole family.
Thank you for working on this. I was so happy to give the award to you. I love your love and passion for Peter, your children and God.
Time is going by so quickly, 4 months already. You can really see their difference in size in that photo. It's so cute. Have a safe trip home.
Thank you for the kind, encouraging comments on my blog. You have beautiful children, and I appreciate hearing from someone who has been there, done that. Enjoy your blessings!
I love that you hold all your children xxxx
Yay for the four month mark! Time goes by SO fast..
Wow. Time is going by so fast. Beautiful picture!
Michele, Please forgive me if I am wrong. My twitter is blocked, but you can invite me. Its tas13. I just pposted recently about being drawn to blogs with babies with head trauma/troubles. Is Bobbies head ok? If there is any doubt for you go in as fast as you can. It may just be a picture angle. I am Praying so hard. hugs and love, Kandi
It was fun to learn more about you. So sweet that you hold all of your babies at the same time. I think that is really special.
I just finished reading back in your blog and the journey you and your husband have taken on the path to parenthood. Wow!!! My husband and I too struggled with infertility for 4.5 years and finally conceived in Spring 2006....our daughter was born at 29 w 6 days weighing 4lb 3.5lb and dropped to 3lb 7oz and spent 8 weeks in NICU here in Canada....Scariest time of our life. She now is a very active 3 year old and has an 18 mth sister, born at 37 weeks. I really appreciated your honesty in your posts and received so much encouragement.
I will pray for you as the babies continue to grow and develop! God Bless:)
Michele, you are truly an amazing and beautiful person. *hugs*
Happy four months Bobby and Maya!!
They are getting so big! Congrats on your award!
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