Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Thank you to Sarah and her brother for always doing the most beautiful tributes to those who have lost children for Mother's Day.  This is just beautiful.  She does grief photography here.


Mother's Day...  A hard day.  A beautiful day.  A day to celebrate all our children, who made us moms, even if they arent here for us to kiss and hug.  A day to celebrate all of us.  Happy Mother's Day, dear friends.

(not the most flattering picture, but probably the best way that I end every day since Bobby and Maya came home)


Michelle said...


Donna said...

Being a momy isn't always flattering - but it is a pretty wonderful way to end the day. The beautiful smile on your face says it all!

trennia said...

Happy Mothe's Day to you too.
The picture is beautiful!
It's a statement of Motherhood!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You have been a mother for many years but having these little ones in your arms is a blessing that I am so happy you have been given.
I love the pictures. What a perfect way to end your day.

Catherine W said...

You look absolutely beautiful. Happy Mother's Day. xo