Monday, May 9, 2011


It's been 8 days since we were initially told about a baby, due in June, who was needing adoptive parents.  8 days, and yet it feels so much longer... As though time has slowed down somehow but has sped up all at the same time.

In 3 weeks, May is over, and then there will be simple countdown of days in June until he is born.  6 weeks is the earliest date of the possible c-section; 7w1d the latest possible day.  In less than 8 weeks, a newborn baby... Here...  Amazing, shocking, beyond my wildest imaginings.

But, at the same time, that is the end of another era.  The end of Bobby and Maya being my babies at home.  The end of them being my only children at home.  The end of them sharing us with just each other.  The end of us going for runs and playing at the park together, without another child in the mix.  It's so insane to even try and fathom what life will be like with a newborn and toddler twins.  People do it all the time (and the reverse!), so I have no worries, in that regard.  And yet, I wonder... What will it be like for them?  From their perspective?  They've shared everything, from the womb until now, so I cant imagine the idea of sharing will be difficult.  But this new person, who needs everything from Mom and Dad...  How will they cope?  We've been visiting the potty twice a day (still diapered) to get the idea; will they decide entirely against it in favor of that special time being changed?  Will they see the new baby with a bottle and remember "hey, we had bottles once, where are ours?"  Or will they become even more helper kids than they already are (because they LOVE to help me straighten up and get things squared away).

What will it mean for their music class on Thursday nights or their gym time on Saturday mornings?  Will we ask someone to fill in for one of us?  Will we ask the grandparents to sit the baby so that we can still have that alone time with Bobby and Maya?  So many questions...

And that doesnt even take into effect that we simply arent ready with the adoption stuff!  In less than a week, we are getting there.  We have the 2 simple background checks either done or submitted and the FBI fingerprint check has been submitted.  Our references are in.  We have a lot of our paperwork compiled, but are still working hard at it once Bobby and Maya go to bed.  But we still have our 10 hours of classwork to complete (again, we have when B & M are asleep to focus on this together).  Thankfully, we were able to get physicals scheduled for Wednesday, and Friday, my in-laws are watching the twins so that we can meet with our attorneys in the morning, and then have our marathon length home study visit in the afternoon.  So, it's all working out.  But when I think of the sheer amount of paperwork to complete before Friday at 1pm, I'm floored.  As a girlfriend of mine mentioned, if everyone who attempted parenthood by any means had to go through what adoptive parents do, there would be a lot less problems in the world!  It's a lot of work- well worth it, of course, but nonetheless, a lot of stuff to compile!

And then, there are the sad parts.  The non-excited, non-a-baby-is-coming parts.  The part where we have to accept that for us to gain a son, another is losing a son.  Our family gains a new grandchild/cousin/nephew, while another mourns the loss of theirs.  And that is hard.  So much joy mixed with so much sadness.  An open adoption allows for a blending of our families, and that is beautiful.  But who knows when that will happen... When people will be ready... It opens up a lot of thoughts about my own birthmother, and how I'd love to reach out to her- not for any sort of relationship, but just so that I have the peace of knowing that, if she ever wondered about me or the kids, that she would have the answer... That she wouldnt have to go looking far.  I'm at a place where I dont need that interaction or even the knowledge anymore; there is a deep peace about it.  But, as we embark on this new journey of parenthood and realize that our son will have questions that we wont have the answers to and he may not have peace with that, that I want to know that she would have the info should she ever want to look at it.  I dont know... That may not make sense.

And my mind doesnt allow me to think of the words "failed adoption attempt".  As we make plans and tell people, we have faced the "what if she changes her mind?" question.  And it's a valid question.  It isnt that we havent contemplated the idea.  But our pregnancies and our children have shown us that there are no guarantees.  Being pregnant doesnt guarantee you a child to parent.  Birthing a child doesnt guarantee you a live baby.  And, adoption doesnt mean the birthmother wont change her mind before that 72 hour window closes.  It is how it is.  Our prayer isnt "God, please bring Michael into our arms safely and let his birthmother not change her mind."  While we are hopeful that Michael will be born healthy and safely, and will be sleeping in the crib that is now decked out in our bedroom in less than 2 months, our prayer is simply that he be given the best life he can have.  If she changes her mind, then we have to believe that his journey- and the best thing for him- is to stay with his birth family.  If he comes home to us and we have the joy of being his forever family, then that is best for him.  But it has to be about our son; it cant be about us.  And without risk, you gain nothing.  You risk the most gutwrenching sorrow to have the ultimate gift.  Although it hurts, you pay the price that is asked of you.

Well, the kids are enjoying the end of one of their homeschooling videos, so I'd better go so we can get back to our ABCs!  Maya has learned almost all of her letter shapes!  She will put the puzzle together, and it is awesome to watch.  Not to be outdown, Bobby is learning the crazyhard shape sorter that I bought (by mistake!)  We struggle with some of these shapes because they are so similar!  It's so much fun watching them learn.  We had a great afternoon at the park yesterday (which I'll blog about later, once I have pics uploaded).  And then... lunch.  Which is good, because I'm getting hungry!  (No snack for Mommy yet, but it's too late at this point, since we'll have lunch at 11...)


Hillary said...

What amazing news! I couldn't be more excited for you two! Congrats!

Jill said...

Such wonderful news. Congratulations :)

ccc said...

There is no doubt in my mind from what I have read in your blog that you and your husband will be great parents of three! It is a lot of work, but things do fall in place and before you know it--three children age two and under will seem normal!
There is something special about watching siblings together which I know you have seen already. But, when a new baby comes into the home-it's quite magical to see the interaction.
I do hope that all goes as planned, and you have a really good outlook on his life--that he will end up where he is meant to be.
God Bless.

Kakunaa said...

Holy cow! I miss a couple days and look at this! Congratulations!! You will get it all are wicked organized. And this is soooo exciting!

Amy said...

Oh my goodness - YAY! I wish I had time for a longer response, but we are in the middle of catching up on school and short on time. I am SO, SO, SO excited for you!!! How amazing! I will keep the birthmother in my prayers this month. I simply cannot imagine the strength it takes to give up your child for their own sake. What a woman!

Jen said...

Congrats, what exciting news!

Adoption is such a beautiful and selfless act. This family is so lucky to place their child into your family. Prayers coming your way for a seamless transition!

Terri Jones said...

It may take some time but it will all come together. You will adjust and learn who this new little person is and he will fit in just like a puzzle piece. The kids will be great siblings.
I'm praying for a smooth transition.

Cyndi said...

I've been behind on reading! Congrats! I got the chils when I read your post, I an so happy for you and your family! What an exciting and scary time, it is so eye opening when you step back and look at it from the birthmoms perspective. I have a friend who started a organization specifically for birthmoms, it is pretty amazing! You should check it out and pass along the info to your birthmom.

sunflowerchilde said...

Wow, I didn't see this coming, at all! I also hope that things work out for the best for all involved, and especially for your future son. I am amazed at your strength and compassion.

Deni said...

This is amazing news! Makes me smile ear to ear and I will be praying for y'all like crazy (and I mean you, hubby, twins, birthmother, and Michael)! Lots of love!

bibc said...

amazing...i hope it all works out perfectly and baby comes home healthy and happy!

Hope's Mama said...

Missed the previous post. Huge news. Wow. Congratulations, and fingers crossed.

Mother Knows Best Reviews said...

I am just so overwhelmingly excited for you!! <3

one-hit_wonder said...

You're a wise woman, Michele, and so selfless. XXX

St Elsewhere said...

Just read through your previous post too.

You have a wonderful name for him - Michael Dimitri.

OK, Stupid Question here: Do you and Peter love Russian sounding names?

Bobby and Maya will have a little brother to play with. I am totally hoping the baby will arrive safe and sound.

I so understand your mix of emotions on the birth mother having to give away the baby and her grief at that, and that there is many a slip between the cup and the lip.

Take Care!