I had a song in my head the other day so like any good computer lover who didnt have the song readily available, I youtubed it. I didnt know who sang it, so I just clicked on a link that looked right and ended up with a cover that sang the song as a duet. I'd initially been thinking of it because reading the lyrics had me waxing poetic about Peter (and the fact that we are coming upon 14 years- where has that time gone????)
I was playing the youtube clip and holding Bobby, dancing with him. As the words began, it dawned on me that this song really expressed how much I love my children. Slowly rocking to the beat around the living room, as I held Bobby's little hand in mine, the weight of his body gently warming me, I looked into his big brown eyes and open smile and suddenly the next thirty years sped by my eyes in a simple blink. I saw his high school and college graduations... his bringing home "the one"... and then that moment, on a candlelit dancefloor, as I once again had my baby in my arms, moving along a dance floor. No longer a boy, but my son, a grown man, with those same chocolate eyes and olive skin... that same dark hair and wide mouthed grin... Not teaching him to dance with me but saying good-bye so that he could dance with the one he had waited a thousand years for.
I wont lie: as the images faded and my two and a half year old and I were once again in our living room, there was a tear there. The time flies by faster than I'd ever thought possible.
You could not have said it any better!
Time flies faster then we each want it too.
It sure does...
Yes, time does fly! Sometimes I think ahead, just like you, and I get sad, and I don't want to do that! I'm trying hard to remain in the present when times are good, and to think ahead only when times are rough and I wouldn't mind trading a few moments of tantrums for a few moments of peace.
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