Monday, December 28, 2009

I really miss them tonight...

A lot.


Kate said...

the missing must be like a heavy blanket sometimes
like skin others
sometimes like breathing,
sometimes like burning,
sometimes like everything we want to hold and can't, like everything we can only hold for a moment.

It is odd to me how missing becomes its own presence. It can be/become almost tangible.

I wish I could do something magical and make your heart feel their presence rather than absence, but I am not that powerful. I send love to you,
and to all of your precious babies.

holding you gently in my heart, even on the days you do not say you need it.


Allison (Ali) said...


Ms. J said...

No magic words, and I won't even reach for my daughter's magic wand and try to wave it.

But want you to know that I hear you, and am rememebring you, hubby, and all of your babies in my prayers.

Devon said...

i was sitting here thinking the same thing...

Reba said...

michele...this time of year, it does sneak up on us. no matter how much happy/grateful/amazing we have going on. it does get us. and you know, i'm glad it still does. they were our babies and of course we miss them, we always will. it is just hard, i know, when it catches you off guard. hugs to you. and thank you for your reply. you always know what to say to make me feel a little more normal/less crazy.

Michelle said...

Michele - Thinking of you. Sending mental hugs across the blogasphere.

Juliet said...

Thinking of you and all of your babies.

Catherine W said...

Thinking of you and all your children. xo

Sophie said...

Me too, Michelle. Me too.


Barbara said...



Anonymous said...

I can imagine this time of year would bring out a yearning and missing them so.

I don't have magical words to share as I am feeling similar feelings, but I can send virtual *hugs*.

quadmom said...


sprogblogger said...

I am so sorry, and hope that our conversation did not add to your grief today. Holding you in my thoughts.

Donna said...

I'm so sorry! I wish I could make that hurt go away. ((HUGS))

Heather said...

I can't add anything more to what mekate said. I wish we could all have our babies back.

Jill said...


Bluebird said...

It's funny how that happens, isn't it?

I understand. And I'm sorry.

Angelwingsbaby said...

I am so sorry hun and I am here for you ((hugs))

Mother Knows Best Reviews said...

Sending you so many, many hugs.

Terri Jones said...

Hugs & Love

sara (Angel Anthonys mom..with Alyson on the way) said...

I know I miss my angel everyday... some more than others and lately Ive been feeling him more... its sad that any parent should have to experience a loss of a child.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

((HUGS)) Your in my prayers.

Lizy said...

Your amazing and you give me such hope. Hugs... from Chicago. Our twins are in a special place smiling down on us.

BarbaraS said...

Hey Michele, I'll say a prayer for all of you.

Anonymous said...


Dream Seeker said...

Michelle, I love reading your beautiful words and how you open your heart and share everything in are a truly special person. Your babies, all of them, are blessed to call you their mother, someone who honours them and keeps them always safe in her heart if she is not able to in her arms. Thank you for everything you share, you are an inspiration xx

Emily said...

Praying for comfort for you!

(I found your blog while hopping from one to another)


sarah said...

A line from a Dan Bern Song, Chelsea Hotel, seems fitting:
New love brings back all the old loves, that you've ever had.
More (((HUGS)))