Wednesday, June 10, 2009

"You've got great..."

I went to the dentist yesterday for my 6 months check-up. Last appointment was in December, around the 14th or so I think, shortly after Alexander was born. The staff are wonderful. It's a local place and they know us, the babies, our history... They are so great to us. The receptionist immediately asked "Are you rubbing your belly?" and was very excited for us. We chatted for a few minutes until the hygienist brought me back. We discussed good dental care when pregnant and started the appointment. I had my cleaning and then the dentist came in to check my teeth out and discuss my wisdom teeth extraction (back in December). And he comes out with "You've got great gums." Well, at least, I can do something right, I thought to myself. I have a great uterus too, according to our midwife, and that didnt stop my "beautiful cervix" from being a nightmare in disguise. But, I digress.

This is good news, about my gums, actually. The last appointment, the dentist was concerned that I was using too hard of a toothbrush. So I switched to a soft. And, apparently, it's made all the difference. Yay for me. Well, this is the first pregnancy that my gums havent bled, so that is something... And, my plaque and gingivitis was the lowest on the chart (and was "mostly only between the teeth, so floss more!" said the hygienist).

And now, I am tired. Yesterday was a busy day and I was so wiped out that I just crashed after dinner. And I'm still tired now. I take that as a good sign. I'm eating and sleeping, so they are healthy. This is my positive affirmation for the day. I pick different ones each day and just repeat them over and over again. It really does help. Try it... It helps keep the stress monster away.


Tammy On the Go said...

hope you are doing well, can't wait to hear more of your babies..

Mommy (You can call me OM) said...

I'm jealous of your gums. I need gum surgery, but it's crazy expensive!

I'm always amazed by your ability to find goodness in little things. It's admirable.

Peace, my friend.

Kim said...

good news....they always scold me for bleeding gums...doenst matter how much i floss it still happens...anyway i wanted to say thanks for the warm comments you always give me....

Kate said...

Congratulations on your lovely gums! And for trying to stay positive. Affirmations, breathing, and reminding yourself of things you would tell a dear friend will all help combat the stress monsters-- good for you!

I bet you are tired, your body is BUSY! Take care and rest whenever you can.

Warmly, Kate