Thursday, February 4, 2010

Feb: Week 1 Goal: Met!

So, for February, I changed my workout goal a bit. Still 3x/week for the gym, but I added the stipulation that I must have one cardio class/activity a week. That could count as one of my 3 classes/visits to the gym or it could be in addition to. Sooo.... Tonight, I went back to my favorite cardio class, RPM. O-MY-GOODNESS. It kicked my butt!!! I survived, but barely! It's my first cardio class in over 2 years! (I did RPM back in 2007 when my gym first got it, but stopped in October when I got pregnant with Nicholas and Sophia.) I followed it up with my Body Flow class and I was just beat when I got home. Went to the gym 3 times; did 4 classes. Woo Hoo!

Forgive me, but I wont be online for the weekend. With out of town guests coming, finishing up the house, and getting the Christening off the ground, I dont think the laptop and I will be too friendly! :) I'll be thinking of you guys this weekend and will get back on Sunday night or Monday.


Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful weekend! I think your commitment to fitness is fantastic as well. Enjoy your me time, you deserve it. x

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Good job with the gym, keep up the good work. Have a wonderful time on this special weekend for your family. I will be thinking about all of you.

Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend!! Hope all goes well.