Friday, March 1, 2013


Peter is coming home today!!!! He is currently in the air over the Atlantic Ocean, probably enjoying a drink and in fight entertainment. :)  According to the airline's page, which I dutifully stalked this morning, he is on target to land 45 minutes early!  We shall see...  But I'm psyched! :)  Then, it's a train to Philly, and the local rail home, and I.CANT.WAIT.  Neither can the kids.

Speaking of the prince and princess of the castle... We had a great night.  We went to our favorite gourmet pizza place for dinner (which went off well), then to the local dairy farm for ice cream for dessert (another good outing), and finally settled in for half of Madagascar 3.  Then it was bath, bedtime ritual (which was NOT screwed up this time, AMEN!), and night-night after I sang them an Irish blessing (Peter sings them a Spanish lullaby, I sing them an Irish blessing if I do nights; it's kind of comical, I guess... They get an Irish pub song before nap...). 



We were all in bed by 9:05 and alseep by 9:15 (well, they were... I was looking at Facebook on my phone).  Maya woke once at 3am, unable to find her bear (a less-than-1minute intervention), then Bobby woke at 4:30am for a change, which took me all of 5 minutes, and then... immediately, both were back to sleep.  Amazing.  Of course, it was our last night in this different routine, but still... Absolutely awesome!

Well, I'd better grab my shower before the monkeys wake up...  Because nothing stands between those two and their breakfast!  Not even a stinky mama!


Fran said...

so glad the family will be soon reunited! I know you did great but I would dread being on my own with two toddlers and one in the belly! Really proud of you and relieved it's over! Love, Fran

Queenue said...

You did it! So glad that's behind you. And impressed. My husbands wants to go away and leave me with the kids, and I'm not do sure about that ideas!