Having a cookie at the Lansdale Farmer's Market...
Visiting one of their favorite places at the Shrine: "Papa John Paul"
Picking apples at Tabora Farm and Orchard in Chalfont
After chowing down on some of those delicious, freshly picked orbs of goodness, the kids had lunch and napped while I created a new recipe that, given Peter's current devouring of, I think might become a fall staple: Irish Apple Bread Pudding.
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The bread pudding is good, but add the Irish Whiskey Cider Glaze and mmm.... Can I just have the whole thing at once??? |
The kids had a great time picking apples, although the more I see them, the more I realize just how much they are growing up... It's like no time at all has gone by and yet, here they are: babies but not really. My babies but kids actually. Little kids but still kids... not little ones...
They prove this time and time again, as they do the 'big kid' things at the playground.
And school... They love school, although Bobby is having a hard time adjusting (a post about that when I have more time). They sleep through their nap completely dry and go to the bathroom when they wake up. In fact, today, Bobby napped in his underwear. He hasnt wanted to wear pull-ups but I usually beg him (and fight with him); today, Peter just let it ride. When Bobby pulled up his underwear and pants, he said "Okay. You want this, we'll do it." So we did. And dry. He was so proud of himself when he went to the bathroom after and got two stickers (one for the potty, one for being dry) in addition to a new favorite: a small pumpkin candy treat from the farm store. That gorgeous smile... And Maya is such a little me. Every time we have to do something, the words "I'll do it myself" emerge, and she is quick to shut down whatever you've done for her and redo it just to prove she can. They pick their clothes, they dress themselves, they brush their teeth and hair... All these things that a part of me feels like I still need to do, but they are such capable little people. We cook together, we talk together. It's insane, yet it's so right. It's the way it should be.
Today, as I smelled the breeze that tells me fall is indeed on the way and I enjoy my freshly baked goodie, I am reminded of all the beauty in the world- of all the beauty in my world.
I'll leave this on a note that makes me smile just thinking about it... At the Shrine, we went into the candle chapel, where there is a candle burning for Nicholas, Sophia, and Alexander, as well as one for my brother-in-law, Robert. We look at their names, then we go in front of the floor-to-ceiling icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa and kneel down, as a family, the kids bookeneded by Peter and I.
Bobby looks to Peter then to me and says "Our Father". So, together, we prayed the Our Father. At the end, I prayed, and they echoed, "Our Lady of Czestochowa, pray for us." Those little voices, those bright eyes. So full of hope and faith and love.
May that fill my autumn... and yours too.
Bobby and Maya are just growing up so fast. They are as cute as ever!
I loved this post. Just beautiful.
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