Friday, July 16, 2010


Wow... Another 28 day cycle.  I'm kind of shocked... Pleasantly so, but still shocked.


Anonymous said...

It is so nice when our bodies do what they are so suppossed to. I laugh in PCOS' face when that happens :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe you got the pregnancy reset button action?

Mrs.Hunt2006 said...

Your body is just too smart!

Anonymous said...

wonderful news!
now me? arg!! Ive been on BC since DEC (28 day cycle) and this cycle, my body decided to have a 19 day cycle (without BC, Im just like you .. all over the place. my longest time inbetween cycles was 85 days!!)

one-hit_wonder said...

good feeling, huh?

only women like us can really appreciate regular cycles!

Fran said...

Fantastic! I think it's due to the healthy living you have being doing, the exercise and all! Much love, Fran

Tanika said...

Cool! I can only remember a few times when I was actually happy to see AF. I like it when our bodies cooperate as they should. Are you ready to add a sibling or two for Bobby & Maya? :0)

Michele said...

oh tanika! if God sees fit, lol!

Barb said...
