It's been a year since I've blogged.
I didn't intend for that to happen, of course; life just got in the way. I'd love to find time to write, both for publication and for this little space, but... Time. I just don't have enough time.
Where to start. The kids are doing well. Bobby and Maya began their full time homeschooling last June, after Catholic school let out for the summer.
We bought our curriculum for kindergarten and first grade from Catholic Heritage, and we really like it. It fits our lifestyle and, while I started off pretty Type A in my planning, we are in quite the "unschooling" mode as far as schedules, me lesson planning, etc, goes. We use our books and have our field trips, but I don't do things in order (unless I need to, like math), and the kids direct where we go and, in a lot of ways, what we are learning. And it works for them. (For me? Not usually, but it works for them and that's what is important.) Maya finished up K in early January, and Bobby a few weeks after. They are both in first grade now, and I anticipate our completion in July. Which means second grade in the fall... And making their First Reconciliation (Confession) and First Eucharist (Communion) next Spring. I struggle to wrap my head around that one!
Maya is a Daisy Girl Scout and she loves it. I'm her troop leader and, while it is a lot of work, I really enjoy having the time with her and seeing how much she loves it. We meet at the Catholic school, so she knew many of the girls. She also sings in the choir at our parish.
In the fall, Peter plans to start Boy Scouts with Bobby. We have dear friends in both GS and BS, and I trust her opinion; while I'm nervous about BS for Bobby, she thinks he will do well and Peter wants to give it a go with him, so, we'll be dual scout parents next year.
Michael turns 2 in July and is growing like a weed. He's my big boy! He always wants to be right of thick of things with his big brother and sister. As a result, he knows his ABCs (verbally and in ASL) and can count to 20 (verbally well to 10, in ASL all the way). He talks in sign like crazy and his verbal skills are more advanced than the twins at his age. He's a mama's boy (can't complain!) and I'm still nursing him (21 months on April 2). He's a sweetheart, and I love to hear him singing.
The kids are the lights of my life. Homeschooling is harder than I ever thought possible and, if I'm honest, it is not something I enjoy. That being said, it is the right choice for them and we will do it until it is no longer the right choice. I suppose I'm selfish at times because I want more me time, more time to run, more time to write, etc... Homeschooling takes whatever time I have and it's a lot of work. I often feel overwhelmed and without outlet. But, again, it is what is right for our family so we work through the challenges. The twins have asked to go to camp this summer, which I'm struggling with. It's hard to let them go, even for a few hours (which we've done before) but especially for longer. Maya begged to do an overnight GS camp (I couldn't do it!) and now is asking for an all day, GS camp for a week. I'm looking into the same week for Bobby at a camp that specializes in special needs/autism, since he would be without her and I think he would struggle a little more than usual. We'll see what happens!
We're well. Peter is still a scientist, works hard, and is a great husband and father. The kids countdown to their "Daddy time"! :) We try to figure in a date here and there, but it is tough and, at times, I know we both feel disconnected. We miss our "deck dates", where we would sit on the deck after the kids had gone to bed and just talk. As the nice weather comes back, hopefully, we'll be able to do that again.
I'm still teaching several yoga classes a week, still coach youth cross country in the fall, and will be starting to train for spring races soon (yay for warmer weather!). I miss running, and even with nursing, the weight I gained with Michael isn't easily melting off, which is more of an emotional struggle verses anything else. I had an unexpected miscarriage in September (I was actually pregnant in the family picture above, but we had only just found out), and then, just as unexpectedly, found myself pregnant in February. I'm 10w2d today and had my first OB appointment last Friday.
9w4d ultrasound |
So far, so good. The baby had a heartbeat of 155bmp and implanted high. Everything looked well, and I had blood drawn for the Materni21 screen, so in addition to the baby's chromosomal health, we will know the gender within two weeks. While Peter and I are happy regardless, Maya is desperate and has been praying for a sister. :) While my morning sickness (which is really 24 hour sickness!) hasn't been as bad as it was with Michael, it's still quite the pain. Lots of puking and nausea.... lots of ginger. But I'm still teaching and running, so that's great. I'm in maternity clothes because I cant stand the pressure of real pants against my belly.
Well, Michael is awake from his nap, so the 'free time' I'd found is now gone. I'd like to say that I'll keep blogging, but we'll see. At this point, I'm struggling to write in my pregnancy journal!
So thrilled to see a post from you. The children looks amazing and as adorable as can be! Congratulations on your pregnancy, I'm so excited for you. Take care and God Bless.
So nice to hear an update! I'd been thinking the other week about how I hadn't read anything lately.
Wow!!! You've had a lot going on. Congrat's on the pregnancy, and glad to hear that all is well with all of you. The children are adorable! And I'm so impressed that you are homeschooling. That is indeed a lot of work, but good for you for sticking it out. I suspect it will get easier in time.
So happy for you! Thanks for the update, glad th kids are doing well!
Thank you for updating! I had just been thinking about you recently and it is great to hear about you and Peter and the kids. And congratulations on your pregnancy!
Wow, congratulations on your pregnancy! That is wonderful news! So glad things are going so well for you all.
So glad to hear from you again and such good news all around (except for the lack of time ... ). Huge congrats on homeschooling and having healthy and happy children and especially the new pregnancy. I hope all goes well for you and look forward to hearing more in the future ...
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